According to the International Monetary Fund, as many as 80% of people in Western countries do not have a basic understanding of finance. This means that those who are employed may be unaware of how much they should be saving for retirement or what their financial goals are. The lack of financial literacy can also lead to riskier investments and poorer savings rates. In order to increase the well-being and satisfaction level among employees, organizations should consider providing them with training on how money works and ways they can save for themselves.
When employees understand how money works and have a goal in mind, the financial stress they feel is reduced. This means that they are less likely to engage in risks with their finances or leave for another job because of dissatisfaction. Providing Financial literacy training enables companies to retain valuable employees and increase productivity while also increasing happiness among workers since many people who receive such training report feeling more confident about where their savings will go when planning for retirement or other goals. Since organizations can expect greater returns from investments if their workforce becomes better at managing personal finance, it makes sense for them to provide this type of education on an ongoing basis as part of standard benefits packages such as health insurance plans along with information regarding vacation time allotments, life insurance options, etc.
Reasons to improve employees’ financial literacy
There are a lot of benefits to providing financial literacy programs and resources to employees. For one, it is good for your business if you can reduce the number of sick days taken by employees who feel they have no other option than staying home with their children because attending work means not being able provide them with enough money or food throughout the day. Providing education on budgeting, saving, spending responsibly allows people to be more self-sufficient and competent in making decisions that affect their lives – this could include everything from choosing what type of car insurance coverage best suits an individual’s needs all the way down to selecting which top tier college would be most advantageous after graduation given his or her career goals.
Of course, there are other reasons why financial education is important for employees. It can be beneficial to the company too in that it strengthens their relationship with employees; they’ll be able to rely on them for more than just getting work done efficiently and effectively – they will also have access to people who understand how money works which could make planning projects or events easier because they won’t necessarily need an outside consultant (or professional) who specializes in this area of business management. Having a team member who understands your company’s finances not only makes things run smoother within the organization but gives everyone a sense of comfort knowing that someone has control over what happens so if something does go wrong, at least you know where its coming from!
Employees with financial literacy are also more productive at work. According to the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center, employees who have good basic personal finance skills are “better equipped” to make smart choices that will impact their company’s bottom line. This means they’re better able to help your business avoid making costly mistakes and save money in other ways as well.
How to financially empower your employees
The best way to provide financial literacy for employees is through the use of comprehensive training programs. There are several companies that offer these courses in a variety of different formats, including online webinars and self-paced tutorials.
Employees need time for self-care. Providing them with access to free or low cost classes on topics like budgeting is an excellent way to support these efforts while giving you a break from covering overtime costs due to understaffed departments caused by employee stress! As a result of financial stress, some employees make poor choices at work and perform poorly. Providing financial literacy for your team is an excellent way to help them relieve this stress by making smart decisions about their money. Employees who take control of their finances in a positive way are less likely to experience health issues related to stress, such as depression and anxiety.

eTenet Employee Portal
Employee portals are a great way to provide financial literacy and enhance your employees’ experience. Not only does it help them better understand their finances, but it also allows you as an employer to stay in the loop with how they feel about things like healthcare, retirement savings plans, and more. There is one unique tool for your company – eTenet Employee Portal. At eTenet they pride ourselves on providing their clients with easy-to-use employee portal software that can: Provide employees access to real time pay information so they don’t have to wait until payday or go through payroll ever again! Here is etenet login for employee. You can give your employees full transparency into their benefits package by displaying all of the important details right up front within the portal! Make sure your company is always compliant by allowing you to update benefit plans, enrollment periods, and more right from the portal!
Providing financial literacy for employees is also good because it gives them the opportunity to learn about what they value in life. Some people may not know how much money they need, or just how important having a strong emergency fund really is until they’re faced with an expensive car repair or medical bill that’s due right when their salary comes through. The more your team learns about what matters most to them and where their values align with wise spending habits, the better prepared they will be financially throughout their lives. Everyone knows that good business involves making smart decisions, and it’s also important to make sure everyone understands how these decisions affect them personally. Employees who understand the ins and outs of personal finance will be more likely to actively engage with co-workers while at work as well as better manage their time on social media when not working.